by Karla
1 comment


WelcomeHi there, and I’m Karla, & welcome to my food blog. I’ll be soon posting my first recipe, but first I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself. I am a senior Psychology student at the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey who became a mostly plant-based human during sophomore year after health complications.

I’ve been passionate about cooking since I was very little; my grandmother taught me how to make rice & beans, cakes, pastries, & some of our local food like mofongo. As I grew up, I became extremely interested in cooking shows & started getting creative with the food that I made.  I started sharing the food that I made via Snapchat to my friends & received tons of feedback; friends replied back asking for recipes & my family became interested too.

This blog is going to focus mainly on recipes, but I’m also going to share posts about education & the plant-based lifestyle in Puerto Rico, with my friends, family & the rest of the world. I hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy creating it, & please feel free to contact me on social media or leave comments on here! Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to sharing my recipes & the plant-based lifestyle with you.


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1 comment

ashleyfitzpatrick May 26, 2017 - 4:19 pm

Welcome to the blogging world!!

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