STORY TIME: You see, right after I graduated college, shit hit the fan. It did, and it got everywhere. A couple of weeks before graduation, my economic situation shifted (drastically) and life forced me to get a job that I hated (literally hated); but soon after, another job opportunity appeared, an amazing opportunity actually, that I couldn’t pass. Okay, let’s fast forward a bit: I graduated, had two jobs (one that I hated & one that I loved), moved back with my parents, I celebrated my 22nd birthday (YAY!), started Grad School, quit the job that I really hated, trained 6 days a week for that job that I really love, lost an incredible amount of time being stuck in traffic, started shadowing at my new job, and a Category 5 Hurricane (Hey Maria!) hit the island. All in a span of one and a half months.
The island was left uncommunicated, it was devastating and depressing; no electricity, no running water, no trees, food & water shortages, no phone signal… you name it, we didn’t have it. It wasn’t after 3 weeks that I found one bar of phone signal at the top of our roof, and I could write to all of my friends to see if they were okay. No electricity for weeks, & nights were really warm and humid; lack of sleep, no internet anywhere, no clean running water, the annoying sound of electric generators everywhere… My city saw electricity 50 days after, and to this day, yes five months after, there are people still without electricity and water. It was impossible for me to blog and keep up with the social media, due to the lack of internet, and physical & mental exhaustion.
But things are picking up, slowly but at least they’re. Today, we still see food, water & gasoline shortages (shoutout to the shipping companies, we wouldn’t have shortages without you), and some places still look like week-1 after the hurricane.
Right now, I started my second semester at grad school and I still have that job that I love. Even though, experiencing a hurricane of catastrophic proportions was horrible, it was a learning and growing experience. The point is, I’m back blogging! I’m working on educational posts, lifestyle posts, and your favorites, the recipes! I will be blogging at least once a week (weather permitting *insert wink here*) on VeggieJeva.
Ps. this of course depends on my internet company actually working (saludos a Liberty), since sometimes I wake up to no internet.
Pps. sometimes I wake up to no electricity as well, like today 😉