What is a whole food, plant-based lifestyle?
The whole food, plant-based lifestyle is centered on whole and unrefined foods. It’s based on fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes; excluding or minimizing meat and eventually eggs & dairy. The key to this is to eat as little(or none) of refined foods as you can.
Why change?
Health: By changing to whole foods, plant-based lifestyle, you’ll be giving your body very much needed nutrients like calcium, magnesium, proteins, a wide variety of vitamins, fiber, essential fatty acids, potassium. Cells in your body will recognize whole foods as sources of energy immediately and break them down. While with a heavy animal based lifestyle your cells need to decipher what they’re supposed to do; it’s harder on your body, making you tired and slow.
Environment: Did you know that animal agriculture is the most polluting industry that we have? The meat industry accounts for climate change, huge carbon footprint, deforestation, animal extinction and unnecessary waste. The best way to reduce your carbon footprint is by living on whole foods and plants. The animals raised for consumption use tons of resources; they give off big amounts of global warming methane, breathe out a lot of carbon dioxide, are responsible for 18% of world greenhouse gas emissions and create pollution (yes, even more than cars). For more information about this watch Cowspiracy & What the Health.
Not-So-Fun fact: it takes 4,000 to 18,000 gallons of water to create the beef of one hamburger.
What are the benefits?
- Better Blood Sugar: Personally, this was the most noticeable effect from eating this way, as plant-based protein and fiber are good for blood sugar levels. Contrary to popular belief, animal foods raise blood sugar more than fruits and starchy vegetables, because they contain insulin growth factor which spikes blood sugar. The body breaks fiber slowly, lowering down blood sugar making the whole food, plant-based diet so effective at controlling diabetes.
- Better Digestion: Fiber is the key nutrient for better and regular digestion. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes contain natural fiber to support digestion and keep you full for a long time.
- Energy: The less work your body has to do, the more energy it will provide; the body would prefer to break down whole foods that come directly from the earth. All of the nutrients provided by plants benefit our metabolism and support the body. Making our bodies break down animal products is linked to diabetes, cancer and poor heart health.
Take a look at all the foods in the produce section, all the grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and legumes in the bulk section and then take a peek at the meat section – which do you think offers more variety? Meat products need to be dressed up with sauces and marinades to taste good and go through heat and pasteurization before they’re safe to eat. Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are pretty good by themselves.
Plants satisfy your body the way it was meant to be nourished, without having to worry about calories, carbs, and fats or weird additives. The most important thing is to listen to which types of whole foods your body enjoys the most.
1 comment
Great post that puts in simple terms the benefits of plants!
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