So why take supplements? Ideally, no one would need to supplement, and we would meet our nutritional needs with nutrient-dense foods. Unfortunately, today our lives are filled with different physiological and psychological stressors and are often exposed to environmental toxins. It would be great if everyone thought that supplements are necessary, but for many, this is not the case. For me, even though I eat a lot of food, I have to admit, that due to my hectic work-study lifestyle, some of my meals aren’t full of nutritious value. This often reflects in: constant sleepiness, tiredness and sometimes with fatigue.
It’s important to mention that not everyone will need the same supplements, as we are all individually unique. The need of supplements will depend on age, pregnancy, people with limited food choices (allergies or conditions), people with unbalanced eating habits, and others.
Here are the supplements that I take for nutritional balance:
- Spirulina: While you may have only seen this as an ingredient in my green smoothies (on my Insta-Stories), spirulina benefits are profound. Taken on a daily basis it could help to revitalize health. Remember those environmental toxins that I mention above? Well, spirulina detoxes heavy metals (especially Hawaiian spirulina), it’s good for cardiovascular health, boosts energy, and gives my daily dose of B12. Even though I have it in powder for my green smoothies, I find it easier to take the right dosages with tablets.
- Biotin: This is a vitamin from the B complex family; it’s needed to metabolize and convert macronutrients present in the food we eat to forms that the body can easily use. This type of vitamin particularly helps with hair, skin & nails as it improves the keratin infrastructure in the body. Besides using it for the hair growth properties, I use it for better cognitive function, as it often aids in concentration and energy.
- Activated Charcoal: You might have seen this on much social media feeds in the form of face masks or even in ice cream, but the reality is that this is another amazing way to remove toxins. It also aids digestion, as it can neutralize substances that can leave the stomach upset.
Need help choosing the right supplements for you? When looking for supplements, ask yourself these questions:
- Where is it coming from?
- Does it work? Am I taking the right milligrams?
- Is this vegan-friendly? Non-GMO? Organic?
If you’re not sure which supplements to take, a simple blood test is the best way to determine if you’re suffering from a deficiency. Also, nutritionist specialized in plant-based nutrition can help with the making of your decision.