Home FoodAll Recipes Vegan Sandwichitos de Mezcla

Vegan Sandwichitos de Mezcla

by Karla

The vegan version of Sandwichitos de Mezcla, which are the most famous Puerto Rican finger food ever! VeggieJeva’s version on this classic appetizer is clean, healthy & just as addictive as the original recipe. With ingredients like white beans, cashews, and red bell peppers, who’s not gonna love them?

Vegan | Gluten-free | Soy-free

Vegan Sandwiches de MezclaSandwiches de Mezcla are the most famous Puerto Rican finger food that I can think of. This staple can be found in practically in every single gathering; birthday parties, office parties, funerals, beach days, road trips, Christmas parties, school parties and way more. This is a phenomenon that everybody in Puerto Rico grows around with, and dare I say that a vast majority of people love them.

IMG_8414Puerto Ricans love these little sandwiches so much, it’s always the first appetizer to go; seriously put a plate of these on the party table, and they get attacked… Ever seen Animal Planet documentaries? It looks a lot like that, not joking! I have to admit, when I used to eat meat & cheese, I was all about the sandwichitos and probably ate unholy amounts; they’re kind of addictive. Guilty as charged!

IMG_8421My problem with them now? The original recipe is made with Spam (jamonilla or luncheon meat) & Cheez Whiz, two things that I haven’t eaten in years! Canned ground meat & fake cheese, yuuuuum (barf). But hey, this is why VeggieJeva & my series Veganized Puerto Rican exists! This is a recipe that I’ve been doing for quite a while, but haven’t gotten around to share: Vegan Sandwichitos de Mezcla.

IMG_8431How to: VeggieJeva’s version on this classic appetizer is clean, healthy & just as addictive. The ingredients used are super simple & you probably already have them in your kitchen; white beans, red bell pepper, cashews or walnuts, garlic & vinegar. So let’s talk about the texture of these? A lot of people like the mixture to be really chunky, and other people, like me, rather have the texture to be super smooth. To be able to nail the texture of your preference, it all comes down to how you blend this. I’ll explain more of this in the procedure.


  • For a gluten-free version, just use gluten-free bread.
  • The color that you’re looking for while making this recipe is a redish-orange (blood orange?). Please don’t make the mistake of adding too much turmeric, as it can make your mixture yellow.
  • Texture: The way to get the texture that you want (chunky or smooth) will depend on when you add the white beans. This batch is enough to make approximately 48 sandwichitos, maybe even more. This will depend on the amount of mixture that you put into each sandwich.
  • It doesn’t matter how many of these you make, it will never be enough!

Sandwichitos de Mezcla

Rating: 3.3/5
( 19 voted )
Serves: 15 Prep Time: Cooking Time: Nutrition facts: 200 calories 20 grams fat


  • ½ cup cashews or walnuts, softened
  • 1 (10 oz.) can white beans
  • 1 red bell pepper, chopped (about ½ cup)
  • Splash of plant-based milk of choice
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt & pepper, to taste
  • Dash of turmeric
  • Splash of white vinegar or lemon juice
  • 1-2 bags of sliced bread of choice


  1. Smooth Texture: Add softened cashews, white beans, bell pepper, cloves of garlic & a splash of plant-based milk to a food processor, blender or bullet. Blend until smooth, but make sure to make some stops along the way to see if more milk is needed. You want the consistency to be thick & creamy, not at all runny. When you reach the desired creaminess, add salt, pepper, a dash of turmeric (for color), and a splash of white vinegar, and blend again.
  2. Chunky Texture: Add softened cashews, bell pepper, cloves of garlic & a splash of plant-based milk to a food processor, blender or bullet. Blend until smooth, but make sure to make some stops along the way to see if more milk is needed. You want the consistency to be thick & creamy, not at all runny. When you reach the desired creaminess, add the white beans, salt, pepper, a dash of turmeric (for color), and a splash of white vinegar, and blend again.
  3. Pair up your sliced bread, and remove the edges. Spread on the mixture into each of the pairs to make sandwiches. Cut each sandwich into fours to make the Sandwichitos de Mezcla.
  4. Serve and enjoy!
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