I can’t believe that it’s been 3 years already🎉 Learn about how VeggieJeva started on today’s new blog post. And make sure to check-in every day this week; expect freebies, recipes, a new blog segment, etc.

Today is an exciting day for me, it’s the 3-year blogiversary of The VeggieJeva Blog! I can’t stop saying it: 3-year blogiversary!!! It’s been an incredible journey, and I’m thrilled to say that these years have been both amazing & challenging; personally and professionally.
I’m also grateful to you for your support over the last 3 years. I couldn’t have gotten to where I am without you, so thank you for all your encouragement, comments, likes, shares, and more. We’re going to celebrate this 3-year blogiversary all week long, so make sure to check back in everyday this week. I also have an exciting new segment, launching this week.

But before I talk more about the segment, let’s talk about how the blog started. At the beginning, I never expected it would be anything more than a hobby. Even though the blog was published in 2017, VeggieJeva started way before.
Here is how the journey began for me:
It was 2015, I was a college junior in UPR Cayey sharing my day to day life on Snapchat. Keep in mind that for the most part, Snapchat wasn’t really that popular here yet, especially the stories; most people kept that platform to close friends, and I was one of those people. However as time went by, I started getting involved in different college activities, hence making more friends and having more people on Snapchat.
One of the things that I shared on that platform besides campus life & nature outings, were photos of the vegetarian food that I made. Every time I shared a photo or a video of me cooking, I would receive tons of messages asking for the recipes; and I would share the recipes, I would even send them messages/videos with step-by-step instructions because I wanted people to understand that not eating animals wasn’t hard. And that was it… for a while.
As time went by, I started contemplating doing something more; a blog. I mean, why not? I already had the experience from a previous one. But I never really found the time/energy to plan the blog during 2015-2016, mostly because I wanted to do it right and with a certain quality that was kind of hard to achieve with my at-the-time living situation. My friends encouraged me on a regular basis, and even helped me pick out a name. However, in my mind it just wasn’t the right time; but the thought of creating a food blog always stayed in the back of my head.
Now, fast forward to the beginning of 2017, it was my last semester as a senior, and I was vice-president of my graduating class. My Snapchat account had reached close to 2k followers mostly from college, some friends of friends; at the time, that seemed like a lot. And for months the idea of the blog was haunting😅 me, so I decided that I would create the blog and go vegan as soon as I graduated.
Little did I know, that in April of 2017, a 60-day long student and faculty protest would break out at our university system. Students were led by Movimiento Estudiantil, and I had been working with the organization from my campus for months before; so when the protest broke out, I offered to run the marketing aspects & social media accounts. Students and faculty took campus 24/7, we would do everything there: sleep, have meetings, conferences, interviews, and most relevant, eat. The first day of protests, we received TONS of food donations, and the people in charge of kitchen duties made sure there was food that everyone could eat. Everyday the main meal was VEGAN, and that’s how I went from being a vegetarian to being a vegetarian with vegan tendencies.
Now, since I was running social media and creating content for the movement, that meant I was on my computer ALL THE TIME. By the beginning of May 2017, I was convinced that the blog was the way to go, but I would put no pressure on myself. So I started designing the logo, playing around with Canva, researching how the food blogging world was working, setting up a wordpress/social media account and went against my better judgement by taking the food photos with my iPhone (yikes😂 ).
And so, on May 25th of 2017, the first post went live, and by July I was completely vegan.
Quick recap to celebrate the 3-year blogiversary
Before September 2017, it seemed so easy to sit down and write off a post about something that I cooked or ate at a restaurant, and share it with you. These past 3 years have passed with some MAYOR roadblocks, but I still managed to create and publish a lot of content. I can’t believe that since then I’ve now published almost 200 posts, collaborated with different brands and get to celebrate a 3-year blogiversary!
With all that being said, to thank you there’s going to be a new blog post everyday this week! Expect freebies, recipes, blog recaps and the new blog segment: Quick Recipes. This segment starts as soon as tomorrow!
Thank you to all of my readers.
To those of you that are new, welcome, and I hope you’ll stick around and try some amazing vegan recipes!
To all of you who’ve been here since the beginning, thank you for checking in every week for new posts; also for liking, sharing, and commenting. I have enjoyed getting to know you virtually, and hope we can meet at some point in real life.
To all of my real-life friends and family, vegan or not, that have been supporting me from day one, thank you. Your willingness to share my blog to others has been encouraging to me.
To the friends that I’ve made in the blogging community, thank you for welcoming me in, for sharing my content with your readers, and giving me tips along the way.
I appreciate your feedback. To celebrate the 3-year blogiversary, in the comments below, please tell me your favorite recipe from my site or one you’d like me to work on!

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All images & content are protected. Please do not use my images or content prior to permission. If you want to republish this blog post, please link back to this post. Thank you for supporting VeggieJeva!
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that I may make a small commission if you decide to purchase something through one of my links. It’s important to mention that I will never recommend anything that I don’t use myself or strongly believe in. Don’t worry, you get the same price! This will help pay for web hosting, email delivery, domain registration, and other various fees that help keep VeggieJeva operational. I appreciate your support!
1 comment
Congratulations 👏 I am a fan and a Puertorican Vegan at fb page The Caribbean Vegetable!
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